
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In Room 19 this term we have been studying a country that is in the Rugby World Cup 2011,
I have learnt about Romania. Unfortunately, they did not qualify for the quarter-finals.

“Hello father, can I ask you some questions about Romania?”
“Why not son, go on, so what is your first question?”
“Who is the president in Romania?”
“Is it Jovan Damjovanic?”
“That is correct dad. Now we are onto the next question. Who is the best player in the Romanian rugby team?”
“Gaberial Brezioanu.”
“Nice work, Dad. Next, what is the international dish in Romania?”
“That is easy salmai.”
“What is the continent of Romania?”
“The continent of Romania is Europe.”
“Your going great dad.”
“Oh thank you.”
“Next what is the capital city of Romania?”
“And you got that question right. Next, what is the population of Romania.”
“mmmm....that is quite hard, I will have to guess is it 24 000 000?”
“Good work you, next question is what things do Romania celebrate?”
“And your last question is what are the colours of the Romania rugby team uniform?”
“The Romanian rugby jersey is blue, yellow and red and there shorts are blue.”
“Nice work dad your got all the question right. Thanks.”

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